
Reminder 2

Yes, tonight it's time for the second reminder about the club meeting.

It takes place on Saturday August 11, 14:00, at Chester Library in Northgate Street. The venue is the training room on the first floor. 14:00 - 15:30.

And the topic is "Magic and Sorcery." You have a specific book to look at, namely "A Wizard of Earthsea" by Ursula K LeGuin. Read up on that as much as you can, and anything else you wish to bring along. Look who else you can choose from. Alan Garner, Tolkien, Raymond Feist, Larry Niven ("The Magic Goes Away," "Convergent Series"), Fritz Leiber, Lord Dunsany, H P Lovecraft and followers, Barbra Hambly, CJ Cherryh, Sherri S Tepper, Anne McCaffrey ... hundreds of them. Thousands of titles.

It's not exactly as if the topic is too narrow for you. You can forgo the fantasy authors' efforts and look to myths and legends, stories of Greek and African, Celtic and Indian and Native American, Jewish and Muslim lore, the Arabian Nights (aka "One Thousand Nights, And A Night.") and Egyptian Mythology, among many other cultures.

Final reminder on Monday.

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