So you've got Dexter (a serial killer), The Sopranos (organised crime), Hannibal (another serial killer) and Breaking Bad (a dying chemistry teacher becomes a meth cook and criminal kingpin just to raise funds for medical treatment) to enjoy on reruns and boxsets. Arguably, you could say the same about The Mentalist (a con artist and murderer working as a police consultant).
But to me, it's like redneck porn - the topic of another conversation I'll be having down the line.
Murder porn shows like these are lazy television.
But it's cheap - and worst of all, it is nasty.
The stories are about evil people, committing acts which you could not get away with in real life - and getting away with it, over and over. It's wish fulfillment and pandering to the lowest common denominator.
And it's making murder look sexy and glamourous; a career option to the desperate and the weak.
Okay, let's try this little Gedankenexperiment.
Let's say you pitch a story about a sexy, hot, glamourous man who has a really successful life as a TV stage hypnotist. He has his own show, where he entertains the masses and the audience, and his subjects.
Only problem is ... he's a slaver and a rapist.
Yes, the bad guy is a glamourous rapist, who seduces, hypnotises, rapes and makes his victims forget that they'd been raped. When he picks his subjects for the show, he implants a suggestion in the prettiest one to come back to his dressing room after the show, so he can have his wicked way with her.
And every week, he gets away with it because he roofies up his victims with scopolamine so they can't remember a damned thing. And as he's a consulting psychologist for the Los Angeles Police Department, he's always on hand to perform "regression therapy" on the victims, if the cops need someone to try and dredge up the memories of the rapes.
Yeah. There's the elevator pitch done. Now let's throw this tawdry, vulgar, cruel premise to the TV execs and see which of those unevolved Hollywood primates actually picks up the option, shall we? And meantime, he's also into human trafficking - mostly sexy women and young girls from Mexico, Japan, Korea, Russia and Eastern Europe. Including underage slaves.
Don't like it? Stomach churning? Good. If you are sickened at the thought of that, now you know how I feel from thinking of all of the shows above.
Bear in mind that they have yet to go that far as to set up a series like that - but, seeing as they've already lionised the Mob, serial killers and cannibals, it is only a matter of time before they decide that it's okay to glamourise amoral rapists and sexual deviants. And by making such shows popular, it's you, the viewer, who has opened the door.
Or maybe you could do what I do, when deviant porn is foisted upon you - the originals, and the inevitable copycats that follow.
Turn that bloody television off, until they start putting on good shows again.
I like Hannibal. I never had a want to watch Dexter or Breaking Bad, but I'm not going to feel ashamed or sorry for watching and enjoying Hannibal. I'm not going to be ashamed of watching and liking the new Star Trek movies. I'm not going to be ashamed for watching and loving The Following (how is that not on the Murder Porn list?). We all like what we want to like, and telling all of us to turn off the TV until there's something good on insults, shames, and negates other people's interests. You don't have to like everything that's on, but you are a fan of shows like CSI and all its little spawned bastards. Not exactly genius TV there either. We're all allowed to like what we like. Gods help us, there are people who love Duck Dynasty and don't see anything wrong with praising the redneck culture (thankfully, I don't have to). I never agreed with those people liking it, but it's what they like. Knowing that my ex watches that show should tell you something about it. But I'm not going to criticize other people for what they like to watch. There are few enough pleasures in this hideous world as it is and shaming people for what they like to watch isn't going to do anything more than up the suicide rate.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I'll continue to watch Hannibal until they run out of shit to do with it because if nothing else, it's sexy as hell to watch Mads "cooking." I'll continue to watch The Following for all the scenes between Mike and Ryan (and hope that one of these days, Ryan'll get to haul off and punch Mike - but that's my sadistic X-Men side coming through). People can think I'm nasty all they want for watching the way Hannibal puts the next rude person into his menu for his opera guests, and I don't care. For me, it's cathartic. I do the same thing when I write. I think of some asshole who's hurt me in some way, and I toss in a character I can picture as them, and then they meet with either some painful or at least embarrassing end -- even if it's not death, it's something that I get to puppet them through because it makes me feel a little better and like I can deal with people and not actually DO those things. Then again, I don't like humans. The fewer humans on the planet, the better off it'll be. Hell, why just fewer? Bring on the aliens that'll wipe us out. Sick? No. Perfectly sane.