

T'Pol, in happier days

T'Pol, from Star Trek: Enterprise, has practically the shittiest luck of any Vulcan in Star Trek's history.

Let's see ...

- Mind raped in season 1.

- Develops Pa'Nar syndrome as a result of that mind rape.

- Outed in Season 2.

- When Enterprise heads for the Expanse, she quits her job.

- Nearly loses her mind through Trellium-D exposure in the Expanse.

- Almost becomes a zombified monster. Same episode.

- Becomes addicted to Trellium-D in the Expanse.

- Suffers permanent neurological trauma and, from that time forward, finds it difficult to control her emotions.

T'Pol would come to regret her brief visit to Newcastle and her first taste of Newcastle Brown Ale

- In Season 4, she marries the wrong man, and she never gets to enjoy the honeymoon.

- Then she discovers that her Mum is a Syrannite rebel.

- Then she loses her Mum.

- While she does get cured of her Pa'Nar Syndrome by T'Pau, her husband divorces her.

- She later loses the baby which was made of DNA taken from her and Trip.

- Then she loses Trip.

- Finally, by the time Archer makes his historic speech the Enterprise is probably on its way to a museum and she is permanently out of her old job.

- Last, but by no means least, not only does Syrran choose to entrust Surak's katra to a human rather than her ... it turns out that the whole body of "Vulcan logic" which she had been taught from childhood turns out to be corrupted and wrong, so the whole basis of her philosophy has to be given a root canal and she has to start all over again.

The Mirror Universe version of her doesn't have it much better, either

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