
The Works of Olaf Stapledon

Saturday January 28's meeting will have the topic of "The Works of Olaf Stapledon."

For anyone who can't find copies of any of his books to read, you will find below the page containing links to his novels and anthologies in PDF and other electronic formats.

Sci-Fi Bookshelf: Olaf Stapledon

I've thrown in direct links to the four main books to review in the meeting. Just right click to download them directly to your computer's documents folder.

Last And First Men PDF

Star Maker PDF

Odd John PDF

Sirius PDF


  1. Sorry I couldn't make the Olaf Stapledon meeting. Busy looking after grandson while the second one was being born and waiting to come home. I had re-read Sirius as I'd hoped to find insights that weren't there. On the other hand it is a kind of study of what it might be like with two speaking sentient species on the planet. We take so much for granted.

  2. I've managed to read Sirius, Last and First Men and Star Maker. I might be able to squeeze in Odd John (nice of him to write a book about me!)before Saturday, though I suspect most of us will only have read LAFM and SM.

    I don't like Stapledon's perspective on life, but I have to admire his writing. Much of the science is wrong, but that wasn't known at the time, and Star maker in particular is a visionary book.

  3. rats. Can't make it. Family have come up out of the blue.

  4. We'll keep a seat warm for you, in case they change their mind and migrate back down into the abyssal depths again. :D


Speak, Citizen of The Universe.